Thursday, May 30, 2013

maybe sometimes the question isn't if we're going to make it in the end.  The end will come. then it'll be eternity :)

perhaps the question is that how will we be when the end comes?  Will I be found faithful? Will I be found still giving my 110% by His grace?  Will I be found known as His?

Does my life make Him known?
"it's the choices we make that bring glory to His name"
no standard other than His standard.
a phrase as simple sounding as "I gave my life to Jesus." Sometimes I forget that's what it meant when I said I believed.

I read the Scriptures and once again think upon what it means to believe in Jesus.

had a thought today about if we would just all follow what the Bible says, if the way we're to love one another is the way God says, there would be no struggling of what to do and what we ought not to do.  But indeed there is this tug-o-war of my flesh and spirit every single time. but we're about to rise up and out of it every time when we abide. by abide, I mean we listen then do.


crazy year it has been.  the toughest ones are the good ones, because He is still good in the end.  this year in the times of abundance or lack of family and community, as I look back, I realize my gifts I have come to treasure and also sins that I despised.  I am thankful that God had not left my prayers unanswered when I asked him to deal with my selfishness, pride, and other things that would hinder me to love fully before this semester ended.  He has and still is.  The more I realize this is what's been happening, I realize how this prayer was actually for the rest of my life.  Not just for a season but pure gold must be refined.  And we won't be perfect until He returns.  Just like that song by Jon Thurlow says,  "Things Are Not Okay" until the King returns.  I have seen and been what I have come to despise, even after my heart was transformed by Jesus, who is full of love, so full that His name is Love.  But now, I've tasted the goodness and freedom to completely turning my back on those things (His strength carries me through!) and moving on forward towards what is good, pure, noble, right, lovely, praiseworthy, trustworthy.  Praise be to God!
sink or swim i'm diving in
where the rivers starts running
where there is life
the passion of Your heart where love starts

to be constantly in a position where Your strength will be shown

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

did you see her through?
what has she seen from way up there?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

courage is such a beautiful thing but with it there comes a maturity
you risk things. it's a moving on from the childish ways to the mature ways
the way of which we know the cost, but still continue to strain forward because we know what is before us is far more glorious, and more like the One that made us.
imagine people obeying God without any measuring of reward
though there will be and in itself will find it to be a reward in itself-to obey God
but for His people to obey him no matter the cost or gain
cuz we know He's good.  He's that good.

can't wait for Your return

Saturday, May 25, 2013

what is required? to stay in the fire? will my commitments and devotions to You be the same?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

sometimes I read the Word just because I want to remember who this God I'm in love with is like.

then I remember and find out something more to live out and go back to later on again. :)

"Jesus did many other things as well.  If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." John 21:25

"Hey remember, You were set apart for Me. I have a course set out just for you. A time of when I will bring to you iron that will sharpen yours, a time of trials, a time of suffering where you will grow to love humility before me, a time where worshiping me will only be the most freeing and most joyous of times, a time where your will will become weak but My Spirit will be strong in you, a time where serving others will bring you the greatest joy, a time where you will, indeed, face loneliness, rejection, and a time where you will be misunderstood, a time where you will be tempted. Tempted to feel frustrated thinking that you've run out of hope or will. Tempted to obey My commands out of obligation, because you have perhaps forgotten that you are my child and I am your Father.  but I'm the one that fights for you, forever.  It's good to trust in Me.  It's always good to trust me.  I understand.  Remember, you were set apart."
store up treasures in heaven.
set your heart on things above.
in you heart, set apart Christ as Lord.

what do You consider treasure?
that I will seek
I will seek it for all my days
for I do not know what tomorrow brings

Your kingdom draws my heart more and more
some days it seems like it's right before my eyes
when I really sit and think and look at people before me
You are wooing their hearts
happy to devote my life to the unsearchable

Your love no bounds

for the oppressed and the poor
for the silent and the needy

blessed are the meek
and meek I shall desire to be

Jesus, I love you

哥哥! 生日快樂 

Monday, May 6, 2013

imagining a world without justice and righteousness.  at least for the time being, as written in Isaiah 59.  it's scary.
My God is not short to save.  My God loves mercy, acts justly, and walks humbly.  We must go.  Don't want to live another day without knowing more of Your heart.  Your beauty!

He's going to bring justice to the fatherless.
heart of justice please arise in me.

let Your people know that you are good.  You set them free. You are good.

focusing as hard as possible in the last days of school for my King cuz He's absolutely worth it!!  keep me meek that i may yield to You.   i only ask that He would start in me, in my friends and family, something that lasts forever.

Teach me.  I trust You. :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

to be Spirit-empowered through your trials is to come out and grow in perfection and in love with Christ
there are somethings about the heart we can't explain.  i'm filling out this spiritual survey as best as i could and i find myself moved by how much you've changed me all these years. joy and gladness wells up in my heart as i think, hey, i look like You. and I want to look more and more like You.  i'm thankful that He's been watching over me so well that I get to carry His heart. He entrusted me with all these people- teach me to love your people well. His heart is the best thing in me. it is good when our hearts align together. never felt so alive. You are life. these good things, your inheritance. You've given me so much that I may be more like You.  and you remind me still it's the relationship between You and Your people that's what's most important to you.  love for one another is to remember that when i speak, when i pray, when i think- it's that You speak, that You intercede, and that You think about us.

teach me your ways O God.  i want to live a life with reverence for You. it's a life being in love with You. it's beautiful.  it's pure. it protects, hopes, trusts, perseveres, and never, ever. counts the cost.

like the watchmen wait, I will wait on You