Monday, July 22, 2013

Sometimes it's those quiet mornings where you wake up without an alarm and you sense a stillness in the room.  So still that your heart is made calm.  It's still early in the morning and you're reminded of His unfailing love.  There you find a peace that leads to a God you would entrust  your life with and even if it doesn't at times, I'd do everything to lean to be able to give my everything.

Psalm 73 has been me.  Psalm 73 will be me.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

wake up in the morning to give You my best.  our days are numbered!! so fill it with the greatest of hope in Christ that He will make all things new.   friends who have found your greatest joy in Christ, we live with one common purpose and aren't just bounded by common hobbies or favorite foods.  there is much depth to His kind of friendship that he calls us to than we'll ever know. but hey, who's to stop us from trying to understand and live that as much as we can???

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


perhaps one of the most profound mystery lies within the ability for us to remain in gratitude as long as we live.   to fixate our ultimate gratitude on the One who gives and takes away, who offered Himself up freely produces a kind of unconditioned praise from those He gave His life for.

gratitude brings joy!

big in the small

love how God takes the grand scheme of things, things like faith, hope, and love and shows us here's how it all plays out in the details! it's like him saying, "Hey! Kids! Check out why and how I do things today!"